We joined a team of 15 Japaneses believers to head up to the city of Iwaki yesterday. The purpose of the trip was to minister to some evacuees staying about 25 miles from the nuclear reactor (no we had not planned on getting that close, but contrary to some reports, were told that they test for radiation daily and the increased levels there are minimal and not even close to dangerous levels). We did pray for protection from rain that day, and while there was some rain on the way, it was a clear and sunny day there in Iwaki. Thank you, Lord!
Our trip was supposed to be a 4 hour drive there, but due to a substantial aftershock we were diverted off the highway onto local roads for about 5 miles. We saw many roofs with tarps on them on those back roads. This put us into some severe traffic and turned our trip into over 6 hours there. We arrived at 3 and were there unitl 9 pm and got home about 1:30 am & to bed by 2:00.
Here are the highlights:
-Seeing 5 of the believers from our old church there & having a joyous reunion with them and the one couple's 3 chlidren that I had never met.
-Meeting a lonely, discouraged Christian woman whose husband is working at the nuclear plant and being able to pay for her to get a new Bible because her old one had been washed away in the tsuanimi. Had prayer with her and one of hte Japanese ladies from Chiba who got her phone number & plans to follow up.
-Watching the children light up when getting beanie babies, nurf balls and even adults getting items that we brought for them.
-Hearing some of the Chiba believers put on the gospel concert & having a room full of nonChristians ask them to keep singing, some with tears in their eyes, as they listened.
-Talking to believers who have been struggling with feelings of fear and difficulty sleeping, due to aftershocks, but didn't realize this is "normal" and that they were not alone (Japanese tend to put on a tough exterior & not share their fears with each other).
Well, I could go on, but it is Sunday morning here and almost tme for church. We did get 5 hours of sleep last night & while that did not feel like a lot, the Lord is giving strength. I woke up to hear one of the believers who had also slept at the church last night, softly praying on his knees in the front of the worship center, while us Americans "slept in" until 7:00 am. We leave either today or tomorrow for the harder hit areas up north. May not be able to blog up there.
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